For people who want to say good bye tone-deafness and enjoy karaoke!
- Easy to keep training
This is a training using software. So, you can train alone easily. As this software measures and evaluates your pitch and voice volume, you can make sure your progress by yourself without voice trainer. In addition, this software provides a joyful pitch game. So, this software makes you train enough time to success. - Fast to achieve goal
Our statistics show that some people can improve their tone-deafness within two weeks if they use this software. Most people can improve their tone-deafness temporarily just within 30 minutes. If you doubt of this software’s effect, you can use free trial version of this software we provide in this site. - Save your money and time
This software price is reasonable so that a lot of people can afford it. And you can train at your home. Therefore you can save money and time!
Troubles of tone-deafness which annoy you…
- Your friends ask you round for karaoke party which you do never want to participate in…
- Your colleagues chuckle when you sing a song…
- Your drunken boss vilifies when you sing a song…
Tone-deaf people are afraid of karaoke sometimes. But when you can not sing a song in karaoke, you maybe lose a lot.
Lose relationship
Always you denies being asked round for karaoke. So you lose important relationship with your friends
Lose job opportunities
You can not participate in karaoke party with your big business customers. So you lose a big job opportunities.
Lose mental health
Many researches suggest that karaoke is very efficient to decrease your mental stress. So not to karaoke means you lose mental health.
To avoid these lost above, you have to overcome tone-deafness.
Definition of tone-deafness
According to Pearce, J.M.S, tone-deaf means being off-pitch. But when we broaden definition of tone-deaf, tone-deaf means three phenomenons as follows.
People have poor ability to sing in same tone as in tone in his brain. So, people is off-pitch.
Narrow voice range
People have narrow voice range. So he can not sing in a high tone voice or low tone voice.
Unstable voice volume
People is not accustomed to adjust voice volume while he keeps pitch. So His voice volume is unstable.
Determine the cause of tone-deafness and countermeasure
There are various causes and countermeasures for tone-deafness. Each person must determine cause and take countermeasure
The Logical Singing analyzes cause and countermeasure for each person.
Each person takes only some useful countermeasure. So Each person can train efficiently.
This is logic tree. This tree breaks down phenomenons, causes, and countermeasures for tone-deafness.
People can determine causes and countermeasures easily as he tracks down the tree from top to bottom.
Overcome tone-deafness by software
Pitch training
Software measures user’s voice pitch. As user repeats this training, user tries to improve his pitch.
Without voice trainer, user can confirm his pitch accuracy.
Voice pitch changes as people adjust throat muscle. Adjusting correctly means taking accurate pitch.
User tries to improve adjusting by feed-back theory.
Feed-back theory
Feed-back theory is advocated by H.S.Black”Stabilized feedback amplifiers” and is applied to human engineering broadly.
Feed-back theory means in short that provided input makes output in system, system adjusts next input to get output close to target value and keep it by considering difference between output and target value.
Feedback-theory is applied to improve pitch accuracy.
Let’s regard input, system, and output as follows.
User can confirm difference between output and target value at first sight.
Harmony training
There are also harmony training in the pitch training menu.
Harmony training makes you confused by harmony sound. So harmony training is difficult but very efficient training.
In addition, pitch accuracy training is scored(other training, too). User can understand training result by score objectively.
Voice range training
In voice range training, user have to make high tone voice and low tone voice. So user can extend voice range.
Dr. Yoneyama suggests in “Voice and Japanese” as follow.
There are anterior muscle which is one of intralaryngeal muscle.
Anterior muscle is attached to thyroid.
Vocal cords are attached to reverse side of thyroid.
As anterior muscle is contracted, thyroid moves a little forward.
So, vocal cords are extended and voice tone becomes higher.
Dr. Yoneyama’s suggestion is pictured as follow.
This picture is a little bit modified on the base of fig.75 in Netter Atlas.
Voice pitch changes as muscle controlling voice pitch is contracted or relaxed.
As user mixes modal and falsetto voice, muscle repeats to be extended and relaxed. Therefore muscle trains very well.
User tries to extend voice range.
Voice volume training
The software measures voice volume stability and voice pitch accuracy simultaneously.User tries to keep voice volume stable while user keep voice pitch accuracy.
There are vocal cords in deep throat which is the way of air coming from lung.
Air vibrates and becomes sound as left and right vocal cords repeat to vibrate up and down by exhaled air pressures.
Voice volume depends on exhaled air pressure and force to close vocal cords.
People have to adjust exhaled air and force to close vocal cords to keep vocal volume stable.
By watching screen, user can train easily such adjustment. So user tries to keep vocal volume stable.
Tone-deafness type
Do you think that you can not overcome tone-deafness because tone-deafness is a problem by nature.Tone-deafness is said to be two types.
Motor amusia
Motor amusia is a kind of tone-deafness in which people can recognize voice pitch-off. Motor amuse is said to be curable. Most tone-deafness belongs to motor amusia.Logical Singing only focus on motor amusia.
Sensory amusia
Sensory amusia is a kind of tone-deafness in which people can not recognize voice pitch-off. Sensory amusia is said to be curable. Motor amuse is said to be not curable because cause of motor amusia is a kind of brain disability. Ratio of sensory amuse is ten thousandth.
How to determine whether you are motor amusia or sensory amusia
You can determine easily when you records your song and listen to your song.
Logical Singing focuses only motor amusia.
You can determine easily the way shown above.
Developer profile
TomorrowSystemLaboratory have developed this product. Our company has been established by the president, Takehito Ota who worked in big electronics company and consulting company in his career.
I developed various public infrastructure system(electric power, sewage, transportation) . I have kept working in software design and developing since I started my career.
On top of that, I was involved with a project in which I analyze voice and music. So I experienced about technology of measuring voice pitch and volume.
There are my bosses and colleagues who have troubles of tone-deafness. Therefore I was interested in music physiology while I belonged to ta project in which I developed music analyzing technology. At that time, I could recognized in some researches that tone-deafness is curable by appropriate training. Simultaneously, I knew at that time that there are few appropriate training products or services which stem from tone-deafness researches.
On the basis of these backgrounds, I have been passionate to develop training system which improves tone-deafness mixing my software skill and music analyzing skill.
Finally, Our company I set up in 2014 developed such a product for tone-deafness.
I am very glad that this product is very efficient to improve tone-deafness and tone-deaf people can enjoy to sing s song.
Voice pitch game
In addition, there are voice pitch game in this product.
Because user has limited time to play game and take right voice pitch, this game is very efficient to improve voice pitch accuracy and user enjoy this game very well.
Feature of voice pitch game
In this gamy, user explodes some aliens by his voice.
Easy function to confirm voice pitch and volume
User can confirm easily voice pitch and volume by piano screen.
-voice pitch user makes is shown in piano screen
-voice volume user makes is shown in piano screen as number.
-piano sounds when user clicks keyboard of piano.
-user can confirm easily voice pitch and volume
-user can confirm concentratively voice pitch user can not make well.
-this in not training. So user can confirm on his own speed.
Free trial version
For people who want to get free trail version.
Please fill in your お名前(name) and メールアドレス(mail address) at the form below and push “送信する(submit)”.
We mails to your mail address about free trial version
We sell this product only on download.
This product includes theory book(PDF) and software.
Price:18,800 YEN
Software operating environment
CPU | Core2Duo E6300 or more |
Resolution | 1024×768 or more |
OS | ・Windows version Windows7(64bit)
Windows8/8.1(64bit) OS X10.7(Lion) OS X10.8(Mountain Lion) OS X10.9(Mavericks) OS X10.10(Yosemite) |
Memory | 2GB or more |
HDD | Required HDD:250MB |
Note | We recommend you to use free trial version before buying this product if you can not judge whether your computer is comprised with the condition above. (※)If free trial version operates on your computer, this product operates on your computer, too. |